We visited Yaxchilan and Bonampak on our way from Palenque to Flores. We got a package including transport, entrance to both ruins and an overnight stay in a cabana in a Lacandon indian village. It was an early start, leaving the hotel at 5.00 am. We stopped for breakfast on the way. It took about three hours to get to Frontera Corazal, where we caught a lancha for the one hour trip on the Usumacinta River to Yaxchilan.
Choosing our lancha at Frontera Corazal
Trip up the river
The rainforest
The walk up to the ruins
The river forms the border between Mexico and Guatemala. We didn't see as much wildlife on the river as we expected, but we saw a few Howler Monkeys. The Mexican shore was mostly still rainforest, but on the Guatemalan side a lot of land had been cleared for farming.
First sight of the labyrinth
The other side of the labyrinth
The city is almost surrounded by a loop of the river. All the excavated structures are built on a platform around a Plaza.
The main plaza
Looking back at the Labyrinth
We entered the Plaza through the Labyrinth. It's quite an experience walking through the narrow, dark, passages filled with bats to come out onto the Plaza in bright light and see the ruins in front of you.
These lintels are carved on all sides
The underside of the lintel
The cover to the tomb of Pajaro Jaguar IV
Yaxchilan is famous for the quality of it's bas reliefs. Two of the best carved lintels are in the British Museum.
The ascent to the Gran Acropolis
Stalactite stelae
In front of the Gran Acropolis is a stelae carved from a huge stalagmite.
Pajaro Jaguar IV's mother conjuring up a vision