The dives today were Ras Katy and Tower for the Recreationals, the Tec divers were exhausted after carrying all their tanks to the side of the boat
Starting as they mean to go on...
Well, it has to be doesn't it?
The weather is not perfect, you'll notice there is a slight haze.
Some fish and a reef
We decided to see how many tanks we could put on Tony before he sank
Lion Fish
Another Fish
Not all the beautiful sights are underwater...
Blue Spotted Ray (well it's got spots and they're blue)
After a tough day diving it's important to give your body time to degas
Mondays dives were at Jackson's Reef and Thomas' Reef
The rec divers finished the day with a night dive.
Tuesday we went to Ras Mohammed. The Rec divers dived at Shark Point and Yolanda, then Ras Za'arra, while the Tec divers did their thing.
Lots of Blue spotted rays
I could only see the teeth of this Potato Cod under a bit of the Yolanda
A large Napoleon Wrasse passed by
I managed to double my nudibranch count
Meanwhile the tec divers were having a competition to see how many tanks they could carry
Three hours previous to this photo, the volume of these tec divers lungs were one thirteenth of their normal size
Wednesdays dives are on the Thistlegorm, which means an early start (4.30), and probably an early night.....
We all made it onto the boat, despite most of us leaving the bar before midnight (that's most, not all) but everyone got at least two hours sleep, and we could catch up on the boat.
Descending onto the Thistlegorm
Crocodile Fish
Engine on the deck of the Thistlegorm
As we were going down for our second dive we met the Tec divers on their deco stop
Motorbikes inside the Thistlegorm
Looking down at divers on the wreck during our safety stop
I thought Norwegians would be used to the cold......
Tomorrows lunch
And, in a dramatic end to the day, in the evening our Tec Heroes had to use their training to save a life in the bar (seriously).
These pictures are from Thursdays dives at Woodhouse Reef, Jackson's Reef and Ras Nasrani
Top of the reef
Peppered Moray Eel
Spot the Scotsman
We saw this Male Turtle demolishing a huge Gorgonian
These pictures are from the last Rec dives at Ras Bob and White Knight.