These pictures are from our holiday in Barcelona. The highpoint for me was getting to see the Gaudi buildings properly. My previous visit was just before they had the Olympics here and everything seemed to be closed for renovation..
This is the Casa Batllo. This was my favourite.
Inside the Casa Batllo.
Chimney pots on the roof of Casa Mila.
Roman Gates at the entrance to the old town.
The Parc Guell was just as great as I remembered, but a lot more crowded!
For some reason these collonades remind me of old black and white Tarzan films.
I'm not a big fan of the Sagrada Familia, but it's certainly impressive.
This is all new since the last time I was here, maybe next time it will be finished!
This is the famous relief of a terrorist being handed a bomb by a devil. Apparently Terrorism was a problem when building started.
Shiry took this, I felt sick just looking up at the towers.